Tinker is an open-source, self-hosted, backend-as-a-service (BaaS) that accelerates development speed through automated configuration, deployment, and an intuitive database table editor.

Previous Work


A tool for collecting and inspecting webhooks. Create endpoints for webhook providers and view webhook payloads.
React, NGINX, Express, PostgreSQL on Digital Ocean Droplet


Badminton Buddy

A badminton community app to organize and find badminton matches. Used by Vancouver Badminton Clinic.
Ruby, Sinatra, Embedded Ruby, PostgreSQL on Heroku


Universal Studios Theme Parks

Distributed ride/show systems: Illumination, Kung Fu Panda, Harry Potter, Super Nintendo
Distributed systems, industrial networks, user interfaces, industrial safety


Proportional–Integral–Derivative GUI

A temperature control system for a gas sensor chamber
MATLAB, C, Arduino, PID Control, Pulse Width Modulation, H-Bridge, Peltier effect


Design: HTML5 UP